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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Down and Out with a Bad Cold!

Updated January 13th.'s been quite the horrific week.  The "bad cold" evolved into Acute Bronchitis with temps of 104 spiking out of the blue and then breaking, only to return hours later.  I thought I was a potential for hospitalization at one point. 

Thank goodness we live in the days of modern medicine and good antibiotics and antivirals. 

I'm weak, but improving.  I'm told to expect to feel bad for another week.  Ugh.

Thanks to those who sent emails, and Facebook notes, and called to check in on me!!!


I haven't disappeared off the face of the earth...I've been flattened by a horrific cold with fever for 4 days running.  I returned home Tuesday night, had a happy Wednesday, then Wednesday night I started wheezing.  It was downhill all the way after that.

This is the first moment I've even felt like giving an update.  Haven't had fever since 1:00 today (Sunday) so I'm hoping this is the corner and that I am TURNING IT!

I am truly sick of being sick.

Back in the kitchen soon.
Blech :-(

Bon Appetit, Y'all!StumbleUpon

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