
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Island Happenings...

I love when the bay is calm and the birds' reflections are
so clearly visible!

The next couple of weeks are going to be busy on the island.  I'll be baking and reading and dancing...I expect, when I head to Austin for doctor appointments at the end of January, I will be ready for a break from so much fun!    Well, maybe not...I'm just trying to put a positive spin on annual exams and follow-ups.  Not my favorite things to do.

One of my regular Laguna Madre visitors

For now, however, we have lots of stuff on the agenda.  Plus, I'm trying out my new pocket-sized camera and my big camera, too.  There are glorious sunny days, plants blooming, birds hanging out on the bay outside my front door, and much beauty to be found on the beach.  It's really a photographer's paradise!

Winter visitors flock to the island!

I'll intersperse this post with my photos...hope you enjoy them.
My Christmas Cactus is in full bloom on my deck.
Living in the sub tropics makes for year-round blooming
plants and flowers!
Kalanchoe blooming on deck

Ice Plant blooming on the deck

This week I will be preparing some baked goods for the KOA Care Camps event at South Padre Island KOA.  They have a big week-end planned! 

Saturday, Jan 18th, there is a Zumbathon at the Olympian Fitness Gym of Port Isabel.  It gets started at 10:00 a.m. and entry is a $5 donation for the KOA Care Camps, to help send kids with cancer to camp.  I hope to be dancing my heart out with all the ladies and gents attending!  Join us, please!
Sunday, Jan 19th, there is an auction and raffle at the KOA Campground, primarily for KOA guests - and the donations are really mounting!  I'll be adding a basket of cookies to the auction and there may be a bake sale involved...I'll need to check more into that.  If there is, you know I'll have cookies there too!  This is such a great cause, everyone needs to participate and get those bids HIGH for the kids.  Remember, though, very minimal parking and take that into consideration.  It starts up at 6:00 p.m.
Birds fishing on South Padre Island

Activities from Paragraphs: Mysteries of the Golden Booby are ramping up this week, with the grand finale event on Saturday, January 25th.

Authors and Characters from the book will be hanging out at the following locations:

Monday Jan 13 Chefs House,   Noon, Griff and David Harry
Thursday Jan 16 Ted's 8:30am Griff and David Harry
Thursday Jan 23 Manuel's 9:00am Pat Avery and Joyce Faulkner
Thursday Jan 23 Sea Ranch Bar 6:00pm Pat Avery and Joyce Faulkner
Friday Jan 24 Padrerita Grill 6:30 all 4 authors, Griff, Sally
Saturday Jan 25 Paragraphs on Padre 2:00 Everyone they can fit into the bookstore!  The Cookie Lady (page 168 in the book) might be bringing some nibbles, all 4 authors will, of course, be there.
The Blue-footed Golden Booby
as depicted by local artist, Marne Law
Keep up with all of the activities and clues by liking their Facebook page!  If you don't know what the heck this is all about - check out my previous blog post on this exciting mystery event!

While I won't be in town for this one, I want to encourage support of one of my favorite charities, The Special Olympics.  On Saturday, February 1st, Clayton's Beach Bar, the 2014 Polar Plunge will be happening to benefit Special Olympics.  Here's a link to find out more...registration at 11:00, plunge at noon.  Show your support!

I know there are more things going on...but that's about all I can squeeze into my life! Here's a link to more local events and other great South Padre Island information. 

Hope you enjoyed the intermittent photos - if you aren't down here at the island or nearby - you are missing some gorgeous weather and beautiful birding!  Come on down!  As my Grandmother used to say, "ándale, ándale, daylight's a wastin'"

See you soon!

Bon Appetit, Y'all!!!

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