
Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Family Thang...

We had to take a fast trip to Austin because of a death in the family.  Our family is so huge we are now only seeing the entire gang when there's a funeral or a wedding.  Isn't that sad?  But, out of sadness, comes a lot of joy when we sit and have a meal.  The voices are loud as all the people try to get a word in edgewise.  My sisters and their children and my Mom (those who could attend) totalled over 20...and if everyone had been there it would have been over 30!  One of my nephews and his fiance had driven from Oklahoma in the midst of his law school finals and we'd driven 400 miles from the coast, another from San Antonio.  People we don't get to see very often made great efforts to be present to honor my late brother-in-law! 

Kudos to Margarita's in Marble Falls for managing our impromptu group.  They set up their back room and kept the chips, salsa, and drinks rolling...getting pitchers of tea, water, and Coke onto the tables (I think they finally realized they just needed to give us pitchers or they'd need someone constantly making rounds with us).  Not only did they serve us well, but they split our checks without a blink...and every wait-person had a smile on their faces the entire time.  Actually, this was probably a boon in business during an "off time" was too early for the dinner crowd and too late for lunch.  Very few people there besides us!  All said and done, even following such a somber affair, the room was filled with happiness to be together and shared memories.

The next day the teen and I had lunch with the hubby before he headed in to work.  I got the teen to try the Fire Bowl Cafe in Sunset Valley (South Austin) in hopes that their build-your-own stir fry would be something he would like.  Unfortunately he didn't like the sauce...but he kept trying more bites and we had a nice lunch spending time together...and Dad ended up with his dinner for work all packaged up in a take-out container.  At least there was no waste!  We then moseyed over to Barnes and Noble for an hour of book browsing and a Starbucks Coffee.  As the hubby took off for work, the teen and I headed over to his big brother's apartment and met up with his other brother and his two daughters (my favorite granddaughters).  #1 son was kind enough to let us descend upon his home so the girls could decorate the sugar cookies I had brought with me from the coast.  Unfortunately, I left my camera in my suitcase so I had to take cell phone photos.  Not the best quality, but I use it quite frequently so it is what it is!

Miss L.kept adding to her masterpiece!

The world's best grandchildren!

I just bought some canned frosting and filled up ramekins with sprinkles and sugar pearls and jelly beans and sugar butterflies...everything that was easily transportable.  The littlest grandbaby ate more than she decorated and was on a full-fledged sugar buzz before it was over.  The older granddaughter worked on her cookies with great attention to detail, learning to use the craft tweezers to lift sugar pearls...and a good time was had by all.  My oldest son is no dummy.  He covered his coffee table and the surrounding floor with old sheets to ensure a quick clean-up.  Good thing too; it was a mess!  This was not his first rodeo...we did Gingerbread Houses at Christmas a couple of years ago at his place and he learned his lesson!  It was a wonderful visit with all the brothers together and getting to spend time with the little girls.

The oldest one's butterfly

Little A's butterfly cookies

The bunny in its early stages of meticulous decoration
I love my's one of the few things I miss about not living in Austin (I certainly don't miss the traffic).  Everyone but me lives within a 75 mile radius.  For me, though, the peaceful waves of South Padre, the calling of the sea birds over the bay, the rustling palm trees...those are the joys that call me back to the coast.

Everyone seemed to enjoy my decorated sugar cookies, chocolate dipped marshmallow bunnies, and my chocolate dipped strawberries.  I'm ready to get home, though, and try out a couple of recipes I have on my list.  I'll be back in my kitchen soon!

Bon Appetit, Y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I just started a blog hop and I'd love for you to come and link up one of your great recipes!!


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