A celtic knot work in progress |
I just realized I had not posted
anything on my blog for an entire MONTH. I don't know where the time has gone. A lot has been going on in my life...and I've only baked things that I've already posted about or that didn't turn out well and weren't deserving of a post. (hanging head after a big sigh)
I am in the process of baking and decorating some pieces for the CookieCon 2014 Sugar Art Show. Since I'm a hobby decorator, I'm shaking in my flip flops. All those professionals and artists...oh, the anxiety!
I am also finishing up a sparse few cookies for St. Patrick's Day because my son is looking at me with sad puppy dog eyes, asking "can I eat any of these" when I had a couple of art show cookies drying. I snapped NO and then realized how snappish I sounded. I told him I'd make some St. Paddy's Day cookies and he could eat all of them...as soon as I photographed them. Then, I caved and gave him two, my husband one, and I ate one to ensure quality control (yeah, I'll keep telling myself that).
My house looks like something blew up in it. My youngest son is finally going to take a leap from the nest and will be moving into a dorm...we are taking that opportunity to repaint and declutter his room...so he is packing stuff for storage and stuff to take with him. It is all scattered over the entire house. I'd take a picture, but I'm afraid it would look like an unpleasant Hoarder's episode. I've done 15 loads of laundry in the past week. Washing new clothes, washing clothes that haven't seen the light of day in a while (you'd be surprised how many lost socks turned up) It looks all blowed up, but it's actually been quite organized. We broke it down into daily tasks...we're only 3 days behind on the list. It's been a 3-week long endeavor and he moves on Monday. Oh double yikes...that's just 2 1/2 days away....breathe, breathe. We can do this!
On Wednesday I fly off to
CookieCon with my friend, Diana. We are both so excited we can hardly stand it. 450 cookie artists, with associated vendors, speakers, and instructors will descend upon Salt Lake City for the 2014 Cookie Art Convention and Show. I'm truly giddy with excitement.
I'll be gone for a week, so if I get the St. Patrick's Day cookies finished and photographed, I'll try to do another post. In the meantime, all I have for you is a peek of some things I'm working on. The one at the top and the one at the bottom (nothing is finished yet, did I mention anxiety?).
Ta ta for now!
I piped hundreds of dots on a cookie and then I dropped
the lid off a piping tip right in the middle. I nearly cried! |
Bon Appetit, Y'all!!!