
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Double Stuff Oreo Thanksgiving Turkeys!

Back sometime around Halloween, someone on a blog somewhere, posted a cute craft/recipe for using Oreos and candy to make really precious Thanksgiving turkeys.  I've seen some people posting that they were using them as place holders, others as activities with their kids...and I decided, when I saw them on Pinterest, to pin them to my Recipes Board.  I am so bad about seeing things "somewhere" and not remembering where...Pinterest helps me organize those things I stumble over.  I wasn't sure if I would actually make them...but gosh they were cute.

Then, I saw The Brown Eyed Baker post her activity with her kids on FoodBuzz .  She used the Oreo Turkeys as cupcake toppers - such a cute idea! Since I was on the way out the door to Wal-mart, I decided I would get the things I needed and make them this week-end to take with me to Thanksgiving with the extended family. 

I don't know what is wrong with me lately, too much on my mind I guess.  I skimmed the ingredients and failed to notice "DOUBLE STUFF" Oreos...and I bought regular.  I also had somehow stuck in my head the need for Rolos...which are NOT in the instructions.  Didn't realize that until I had already peeled a bunch of Rolos and taken ingredient photos.  Oh bother says Pooh!  Who is going to eat all those peeled Rolos now???  :-)

When I was back on Pinterest checking the original link from Our Best Bites blog I saw some kind of treat using Rolos and pecans...I think I'd seen that before going to Wal-mart...hence, the connection in my mind to Rolos!  Oh seems to be that kind of week.  I'm kind of confuseled!

I'm going to suggest you follow the link to Our Best Bites for an outstanding tutorial.  I have a few photos of my escapades - but I didn't use the dark tube frosting like she did, and I didn't use the yellow frosting behind the beak (hers look so much better) and I, of course, didn't use the Double Stuff - so I had cracked cookies.  Some I glued back together BUT you can't tell because they are on the back side while others fell I ended up with about 12 instead of 19 or 20.  I also had trouble using the little tubes of yellow icing - it would have been so much easier with royal icing.  The eyes kept running so I gave up and used some little sugar balls I had and attached them using tweezers.  I first tried to use some partially dried yellow icing as glue - didn't work very well - so I used the chocolate frosting, which worked fairly well - but not perfect.  I dabbed the center with a black food marker since I couldn't find any sprinkles with black balls in them that I could pick out.  Whew, the whole thing just seemed to be cursed! 

I was going to go get some of the correct cookies, but I just decided I'd been to the store enough.  I wasn't driving a 10 mile round trip for Double Stuff Oreos!  Considering how messy these look anyway, I'm REALLY glad I didn't make the trip.  Actually, my grandchildren will not know the difference, and if they make it through the car trip, then it will be happiness and if they don't, well, then they will "disappear", never to be seen by anyone but my readers!!!

They are really cute - despite the many snafus of getting them completed and the overall messiness of the project.  I'd like to do these again when my grandchildren can do the project with me.  I think they are old enough now that they'd have fun with it.  By next year, I know they will be able to do it and I'll select "glue" I know will work for me!

Enjoy the photos - and hope everyone is having a good time preparing for Thanksgiving!

Mini Peanut Butter Cups
Candy Corn
Dark Colored Chocolate Frosting "for glue"
Yellow icing for feet (royal would work better than these tubes)
Red icing for the wattle (the tube worked fine)
Ignore the Rolos - they don't belong...but they taste good!

Step 1 - Run a bead of chocolate frosting down the
middle of the Oreo and insert five candy corns.
Allow to dry laying down.

What happens if you don't use Double Stuff Oreos :-)

Put a little blob of frosting on a cookie laying down and
press the other Oreo with the candy corn into it

Support them against the edge of a bowl, your back splash, a box or
whatever - but they do need some support while they dry.

While the turkey pieces are firming up - cut a sliver off the edge of
each peanut butter cup.  Lay it with the large (top) side down and use
a sawing motion so the cup doesn't shatter.  I also found it helpful to
put the peeled cups in the freezer for 10 minutes because it was
in the 80's here today and they were melting while i handled them.
Next, lay the turkeys on their backs and glue (with chocolate
frosting) the peanut butter cup and the whopper and allow to firm up.

Next, cut the white tip off of candy corns to make beaks.  Glue them
on with frosting (yellow or chocolate - I used chocolate but yellow looks better).
Make a wattle with the red tube of frosting and allow everything to set up.

Now, add the eyes - you might see my previous notes about that
little challenge!

Last but not least, draw some little feet on the bottom
Oreo with the yellow tube of frosting.
Bon Appetit, Y'all!!!



  1. Wow, elaborate!! My wife's work had a table where you could build your own turkey (unfortunately I missed it), and she used oreos with a whopper head and mike and ikes beak, red hot feet, and milk dud feathers. I would love to try this, since I didn't grow up with Thanksgiving!

  2. These oreo turkeys are awesome, very cool!

  3. How cute. This does look like a fun project to do with the kids and such a wonderful result. Pinterest is a very addictive site, but there are some awesome finds. Well done, glad you shared this one.


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