
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Candy Cookies

I often make double batches of cookie dough, then portion leftovers, vacuum seal, and freeze.  It's handy to have a dozen or so bits of cookie dough ready to bake "on command"!

This summer I made sugar cookies for my granddaughters when they visited me at the beach.  I had one dozen scoops of dough still in the freezer and decided I would add some sugar cookies to the soon-to-be-sent package of treats from Grandma.

When the oldest granddaughter was tall enough to stand on a stool at my kitchen counter, I would buy pre-portioned ready-made sugar cookie dough and let her roll them in various sprinkles that I spread out on paper plates or in ramekins.  She still talks about it and asks to do that when she visits.  We've done the big mess of frosting and decorating sugar cookies, but I have found balls of dough, rolled in sprinkles, and baked with the sprinkles already on them, works wonderfully for small hands.  So that the cookies would evoke memories for the girlies, that is how I prepared them today.

I started by thawing the balls of dough overnight in the refrigerator. 
I set up a couple of ramekins with different sprinkles.

I rolled the cookie dough in sprinkles and gently pressed them into the dough, placing on a Sil-pat covered baking sheet.  I baked them off for 10 minutes at 350 degrees

As soon as they came out of the oven, I pressed in candy corn and Fall colored M&Ms to make Halloween Candy Cookies. The candy in warm cookies gives a nice full 3-D effect!

I could hear the M&M shells cracking as they settled into the hot cookies.  They are very bright and Halloweenish looking!

My husband stood looking at them longingly so I told him it was, of course, best that someone sampled them "to make sure they weren't poison", so he could help himself to a cookie.  "Thanks Hon", he said, sarcastically, after thinking a moment and cutting his eyes at me.  Poor man, I took pity on him and gave him the last 4 chocolate chip pecan cookies I had in the freezer.  He was happy.

The recipe for World's Best Sugar Cookies are at this link.  It's the only recipe I use.  The dough doesn't rise much and is awesome for rolling and cutting.  My husband and kids are huge sugar cookie fans.  (I like them...but I LOVE chocolate chip cookies or lemon cookies best of all.)  This was fun because I got to use some of the candy corn that I have sitting around...need to get that stuff out of the house pretty darn soon!

I wrapped up Orange Rice Krispie Treats, the decorated Sugar Cookies, and a bag of orange pumpkin marshmallows for my Lola, who loves marshmallows.  Grandpa Cranky will deliver them to my son tomorrow so they are available for after school snacking.  I love my sugary sweet grandbabies!

Bon Appetit, Y'all!



Nap Time Creations Tasty Tuesday

Creations by Kara


  1. Oooh, M&Ms baked in? Sign me up! What a cute bonding memory :) Neither of my grandmothers was a kitchen maven, but I have very fond memories of baking with my dad... I was so proud when I made a dough all alone and it turned out better than his! I think I bragged for years, haha!

  2. To get the 3-d effect - I didn't bake in - I added to hot cookies straight out of the oven. I wanted them to be poking out and visible, not melted in :-)

  3. So much Halloween goodness in one cookie! I love it!

  4. What lucky grandkids! I like keeping some cookie dough in the freezer as well - it comes in so handy. That and puff pastry...

  5. What a great party treat!

    I would love for you to link this to my Halloween Traditions Link Up!


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