
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Strawberries with my Angel Food Cake

I didn't have time to do anything today besides sit in traffic for an hour to get to Wal-mart, watch some DVR'd television with my husband (the scary stuff - Criminal Minds - I don't watch it without him here), fix some fabulous Shrimp Alfredo for dinner...and throw together our dessert.

No time for extra recipes (I've already done this Alfredo recipe) or baking or writing for that matter.

So, here's a quick photo and summary of how I put together our dessert.

A thick slab of the Angel Food Cake I baked yesterday, some lightly macerated sliced strawberries prepped with extra fine sugar 2 or 3 hours before serving, and some freshly whipped vanilla-sugar cream.  (I used sugar that had vanilla beans in it - beautifully vanilla scented sugar)

I'd never had a piece of homemade angel food cake before.  This is so hands and shoulders above the stuff we usually get in the plastic container at the grocery store...there is no comparison.  Light, sweet, flavorful, delicate...downright heavenly!

Yum...and it may be Tuesday before I get anything further posted.  I'm going to enjoy my time with my husband being home!

Bon Appetit, Y'all!
Yes - it tastes as good as it looks!  Simple and delicious....

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