
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sharon's One Dish Mexican Casserole

I am hoping and praying my memory is serving me correctly...the recipe I am sharing today is from a friend of over 30 years.  She worked in Human Resources with me at Shoal Creek beginning in 1979, then she transferred to a different job in the hospital, and I got promoted to her job...and through all the bouncing around and changes in our lives...we managed to reconnect years later via Facebook.  Gotta love those social networks!  Before the days of techno social networks, there was a definite social network in our workplace...the lunch table in the cafeteria :-) where daily "status updates" occurred and "family updates" and "new connections" were established and you could "friend" someone without clicking a single button.  There were no computers of any consequence in our work environment in those days...certainly no PCs or Apples, ergo no email either...those words weren't even in the lingo.  We managed to get by somehow :-)

When I saw, on Facebook, that Sharon P.'s birthday was coming up this week, I went and searched for a recipe in my "piles" that might have her name on it.  I didn't find her name...but I really, really, really think this is her recipe.  (She'll tell me if I'm wrong)  It's in my handwriting - so I'm guessing I called her on the phone (no text, no email...picked up the phone and dialled her extension) and asked for the recipe!

I used to make this a lot...and I plan to make it again.  Probably not today though, because I have other stuff going on.  I'll make it soon...and add photos.  But, I wanted to share a Sharon recipe this week. (please let my memory be correct...I'm gonna HATE it if she posts "uh, this is not my recipe"....I'll have to change the title and EVERYTHING.

Enjoy - it's easy and tasty and a quick meal, great for a big family!



2 pounds ground beef
2 medium onions - chopped
2 cloves garlic
16 oz can tomato sauce
1 cup tomato juice (or water)
2 16 oz cans dark kidney beans (with liquid)
1 tsp oregano
Dash ground cominos
4 Tbsp chili powder
Regular size Frito's corn chips
Shredded lettuce
Chopped green onion
Chopped tomatoes
Chopped/sliced black olives
Sour Cream
Grated Co-Jack cheese


Brown beef, onions, and garlic.  Stir in tomato sauce, tomato juice, and seasonings.

Alternate layers of beef mixture, beans, and Fritos in a greased casserole ending with a layer of chips.

Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees in a large covered casserole, uncovering it for the last ten minutes.  Serve with toppings or layer on top of casserole.

Bon Appetit, Y'all

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